Monsoons are not just to snuggle in with a hot cup of tea and pakoras, this season even brings out the seasonal creativity in all of us. In the creative context across domains of fashion designing, interior design, jewellery design and photography, monsoon is a special season that can be celebrated in style, with total […]

With inspirations all around us, it’s important to be open-minded and see the beauty around us to help fuel our creative designs. Nature has always been a popular source of inspiration followed by students at Hamstech Institute. From designing garments to making matching jewellery, to setting the theme of your house or photographing moments, nature […]

Educational site visits are one of the most powerful learning tools. Such exposures enable students to develop professional and interpersonal skills. Learning in a new environment adds value to the academic education of a student. Among the many educational institutes today in India, the Hamstech Institute of creative education has embedded new teaching-learning methodologies into […]

Creative courses, unlike others, cannot be taught with limitations. The goal of creative courses is to sharpen the skills of the students, provide them with real-time industry experience and to help them achieve their goals. One of the tools used to enhance this process is guest lectures from prominent international and national figures to motivate […]

Many students when the first walk the halls of a design school have only one aim in mind, to be a well-established designer. As a designer, your job is to design and bring life to your designs. It may be a dress, a piece of jewelry, sofa or a portrait shot, but the process is […]

This business of fashion is very creative and competitive. With new and more challenging designers cropping up from the remotest corners of the world, just being creative won’t be enough. So what are students looking for in a creative course? Well, they want a perfect blend of creativity, technical and business skills. Hamstech has been […]

Living with a dream and living a dream has a big difference. In your academic life, you’ve been working your mind and brain in several directions. After academics, you begin to see many hands steering your boat. You start to get pulled around with conflicting and confusing suggestions that makes it hard for you to […]

A portfolio is defined as the best work put together by a student. It plays a significant role in a student’s career as it becomes one of the deciding factors when students are hired by companies. A portfolio can be presented in two ways- physical or digital presentations. Of late, many creative institutes are laying […]

When it is time to advance from your latest academic achievements, you can either take a beaten path of “prestigious” courses or can listen to your true calling. Best career decisions come from proper introspection and planning. June is the month for you to act on your career decisions. Hamstech Institute can introduce you to […]

Fasting and feasting are the two most commonly known aspects of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. During the thirty-days of ‘Ramadan’ every individual following Islam observes a ritual of fasting, from dawn to sunset. ‘Eid’, on the other hand, marks the end of Ramadan and is a religious holiday, celebrated by the Muslims around the world. […]