Gemstones have added glitz to jewellery for centuries and are still in vogue as an accessory to beautify ornaments. Today, gemstones are graded and classified by international standards, which ensures that worldwide, consumers can be sure of what they get from a jeweller. Gemstones are worn selectively, often based on zodiac signs. They are available […]

Chains: creating a lasting impression, one link at a time. Chains are the only jewellery besides the rings that men and women wear across all cultures. The chain is used to beautify, symbolise or literally wear an attitude. The huge variety of chains designed all over the world is a matter of study in jewellery […]

Ganesh Chaturthi’s festive fervour in India is world famous. Every year, it brings together millions of people who share the joy of this festive season irrespective of religion and community. The festival marks the birth of Lord Ganesha, considered to be God for fresh beginnings and destroyer of vighnas or obstacles. Ganesh Chaturthi started as […]

India is an abode to a variety of jewellery crafted in various fashions. However, one design that’s proven to remain predominant is temple jewellery, which is inspired from the illustrations, sculptures, architecture and carvings of South Indian Temples. These architectural marvels date back hundreds of years and have some of the finest, most elaborate workmanship. […]

Every student matures into a professional with the opportunity to evaluate and prove his/her skill and mettle. A professional training institute like Hamstech offers a platform, and an opportunity to its students to give their best shot at displaying skill and preparedness to move towards a promising career. The academic calendar of Hamstech Institute has […]

Those were old times and old fashion, when men and women wore similar ornaments and carried it along with pride. But the trend of jewellery for men has not completely disappeared, but has resurfaced in different ways, with evolved tastes and styles. Jewellery designing is commonly attributed to women. But the scope of jewellery for […]

“If you can’t tell where to draw a line, that line can’t take you far.” This is true with every profession. A professional can’t survive with just knowing his job unless he/she is serving machines. When it comes to picking professionals, a knowledgeable, happy and helpful candidate wins the vote. To create better professionals, like […]

From the age of goldsmiths to the days of corporate jewellery brands, our fascination and loyalty to makers of jewellery have only soared in time. By learning about successful brands, a jewellery designer can evaluate themselves too. A jewellery design course introduces the students to scenarios and case studies on jewellery brands and how their […]

  Period movies and some dance sequences in Bollywood remind us of two major attractions; costumes and jewellery. Especially with period movies, the elaborate efforts made to reincarnate the visual glory of age old historical characters reflects in the sets, costumes, jewellery and even the language. Obviously, Bollywood is a money churner for allied industries […]

The oldest use of ornaments dates back to around 40,000 years. Ornaments has been made using everything from bones and beads to gold and silver. Jewellery has been a symbol of culture, social status, beauty and significance throughout history. When students learn about jewellery in jewellery designing courses, they should know about the evolution of […]