What exactly fascinates people about photography? Have you ever given it a thought? Well, it is the love and passion for the camera as well as the enthusiasm to capture pictures. Photography is a very creative profession that actually changes your perspective of seeing objects with a focus. To capture a good picture, you don’t […]
Many a times a student expects a magic move he/she is going to learn to start clicking pictures that define perfection. Then the guru comes in and faces the challenge of educating and motivating such impatient students. We are going to discuss what works best for a good classroom that delivers lessons in the art […]
Since the beginning of time, the most alarming word for students has been “EXAMS”. Buried nose deep in their books, students are noticed to be distressed and overburdened with expectations. As the pressure to acquire good grades keeps rising, and the fear of social stigma tailing them, there is only so much a child can […]
Photography Skills are quite essential if you want to ace in the social media era. Ansel Adams once said, “You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” This quote stands true to the fact that photography is not just a profession you learn, but a passion that’s innate. Photography is indeed an art. If you […]
A camera has the potential to open up a whole new world. While most of us enjoy photography, quite often we get absorbed in our clicking sprees and forget the actual focus. Be it a professional or a less experienced amateur photographer, mistakes are inevitable. For any photography enthusiast, clicking the right picture is the […]
Have you ever lost yourself in clicking pictures? Or, have you ever had to battle a compelling feeling of quitting your regular job and taking up photography? It’s quite often that we spend majority of our day doing less enjoyable things than doing things that make us happy. This owes to the drudgery of life […]
As once quoted by Robert Capa, “If your photos aren’t good enough, you aren’t close enough.” And this is best understood by every photographer who is in love with his camera. Photography is not only about getting the perfect shot but also capturing the subject accurately. As a photographer, to get the correct focus, you need […]
They say, ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ and indeed it is. A photograph conveys different moods, emotions, ideas, etc. all through the simple capture of a moment. Every photograph has a memory and every memory has a story. Stories come in all shapes and sizes. Don’t they? Some are long while the others […]
“A keen eye for detail” is what is expected of a photographer. Photography is a combination of art and technology, in other words, it’s creative visual expression. Don’t you think so? From a very young age, I loved clicking pictures of friends and family and over the years my love for cameras seemed to grow. […]