As once said by Thomas Merton, “Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony”. Thomas Merton, an American Catholic writer, theologian and mystic has very well explained the simple logic of happiness through his statement.
With our fast changing lifestyle, the level of stress has increased. This stress has literally thrown order, rhythm, harmony and balance out of our lives. Therefore, we often look for balance and tranquillity in our homes.
One such popular practice is the Japanese principle known as ‘Zen’ which mean ‘meditation’. But when it comes to interior design, it simply means to create a sense of harmony and balance through the use of simple lines and minimal objects.
Here are few useful tips that can help you create the perfect Zen atmosphere:
Choose Earthy Colours
Creating a Zen interior would mean to focus on natural colours such as white, beige, brown, grey, etc. All these natural colours have the ability to induce a sense of tranquillity and relaxation. A visual balance and continuity between each element such as floors, walls, ceiling and furniture are important.
In interior design classes, students are taught how to implement and balance different colour schemes. This eventually helps them apply it when working on a project or an assignment.
Add smoothness to floorings
A wooden flooring can be a great choice to add smoothness. Even a parquet flooring in a pale colour such as light brown, grey or white would suit. Other types of floorings such as resin and wool carpets can make the ideal and comfortable flooring.
As you select the flooring, you must make sure that it complements the walls. After all, the actual motive is to create a sense of balance and smoothness.
In an interior design course, you not only get to learn the basic fundamentals of interior design but also get practical exposure.
Go with Natural Upholstery
In a Zen décor, the key rule is to use light and natural colours. So, when coming to upholstery, you must pay keen attention to natural and comfortable fabrics. Natural fabrics such as cotton, linen and wool work great for curtains. You can also combine them with blinds as it would help modulate light.
You can also work this colour scheme for your cushion and sofa covers. Do make sure you match it with the curtains.
Play Around with Natural Light
Light plays a major role in bringing about a peaceful and calm atmosphere. As much as possible, try and use natural light. You can play around with different light sources so you can control the intensity of light in a particular area.
You can try various types of wall mounted light and lamps with light adjustment (dim and bright). For those who like diffused light, you can go with scented candles.
The Zen décor also includes keeping simple furniture, avoiding electrical disturbances, including green plants, etc. This and so much more you can learn in an interior design institute such as Hamstech.
Hope the above tips have helped you understand the Zen practice of interior décor. Apply these and enjoy the positivity and calmness it brings.