Greenery is always soothing and refreshing to the eyes and mind. It doesn’t really matter if it’s indoors or outdoors. Setting up green interiors brings with it lots of positive energy and a feel-good factor. For those of you who are confined to small spaces also have scope to create a green patch in your very own premises.
Interior designing as a subject is not always about inanimate elements such as floors, walls and ceilings. It also has got to do with home décor, outdoor landscaping and green interiors. There are no set rules for creating green interiors. A green patch can be created anywhere, be it your bedroom, kitchen, living room or the hallway.
Here are few garden tips to create amazing green interiors.
Use an Old Ceramic Kitchen Sink
This is a perfect solution for your kitchen! If you don’t know what to do with an old sink, then here’s a creative way to use it. All you have to do is clean up the sink and plant some organic plants to create your very own kitchen garden. Plants such as spring onions, mint, salad leaves etc. can be planted.
In case you want to add colour to your kitchen, you can add few mini flowers. These will surely add aroma and freshness to your kitchen area. Environmental Control is a very interesting and helpful topic taught in interior design classes in this regard. In this topic, students learn about different plants commonly used for interior landscaping.
Use an Old Bookshelf
Instead of scrapping an old bookshelf, put it to good use by laying few indoor plants. This would serve as a perfect decor element for your living room. All you need to do is choose a corner where you want to fix the shelf. Then you can choose plants that grow vertically rather than horizontally. You need to first lay a tray that fits perfectly inside the shelf and then place narrow pots. The tray would avoid excess water from leaking and save the space from being messy.
You can check with a nursery for specific indoor plants. In an interior designing course, students are often taken on site visits where they are educated on different aspects of interior designing, including plants.
Make use of a Fish Bowl
Yes, you heard it right! The second best use of a fishbowl is converting it into a green pot. You can place a layer of moist carpet grass, add few colourful pebbles and make space for your favourite plant.
What’s great is that you have a lovely fish bowl which can be placed anywhere in the house. You can also pick bowls of different sizes and shapes and group them together. Interior landscaping, done in such interesting ways, is a trending topic discussed in many interior design institutes.
You can do a lot with other articles lying at home: Glass jars, old coffee mugs, etc. With the above discussed simple garden tips, you too