Photography has many genres and underwater photography is one of the most interesting and challenging ones. Taking pictures underwater requires great skill, patience and practice.
When it comes to underwater photography, the shoot has to be well-planned so you don’t face any glitches during the shoot. In order to get the perfect shot, along with the photographer, the subject and everything around needs to be in sync. It is only in photography classes; that you could also get an opportunity to learn a bit about underwater photography too.
Here are few tips on how to capture the best underwater pictures.
Right Body Posture is the Key
The first thing is to build a trust factor with the model. Acquiring the right body posture especially underwater is the key to capture great pictures.
Opt for Late Morning Shoots
When you opt for late morning shoots, you have chances of getting best shots as there’s ample of natural light. However, you mustn’t hesitate to experiment at different times of the day.
In most photography training institutes, students are taken on outdoor shoots and site visits. This exposure helps them to get an idea on how to click pictures at different hours of the day.
Underwater Depth
In order to get the right skin tone, it’s best to maintain a depth of not more than 1-5 feet below the water surface. Anything beyond that level, the skin tone turns reddish and you can also lose clarity.
Waterproofing your Camera
The most important thing is to waterproof your camera. Try out an Outex which is basically a silicone water cover that keeps your camera dry. It’s very handy underwater as you can change lenses easily and strap a tripod to your neck.
Photography as a subject is vast, so if you want to take this as a mainstream career, pursuing a photography course can be a good choice.
Choose your Props Smartly
Shooting underwater with props can be a real challenge. A lot depends on how creative you are in creating props. Props can really enhance the look of your pictures especially if you know how to play around with them.
Shooting underwater can sometimes be chaotic but you can bring out the actual beauty if you know how to shoot the right way. Photography is all about experimenting with different surfaces, so try out and you never know what might surprise you.